Himanshu Atre
Nov 7, 2020


Although trying to achieve and exceed ‘human intelligence’ for machines will continue, I think we as a species should focus on augmenting our intelligence with machines. Machines are great at deep, focused, and complex computations that humans are really bad at. Humans on the other hand cannot be beaten at rapid learning, interpretation of complex data points, and drawing conclusions by machines. An Augmented Intelligence, driven by a symbiotic human-machine relationship facilitated by Brain-Computer Interfaces would give birth to a species that will be thousands of times smarter than homo sapiens. These ‘Homo Droids’ if you may, is the next step in our evolution.



Himanshu Atre

Musings on the History and Future of Money, Payment Technology, Economics, Monetary theories, and life in general. Also on himanshuatre.substack.com